Friday, November 30, 2012 Relaunches. The Chic Recessionista's Guide to Style

Since 2008 when our sister site, The Recessionista,  was discovered by The New York Times as “A Label for a Pleather Economy“,  the site and its traffic have steadily grown.  That's no mean feat in a tough economy, where it's harder than ever for small businesses to survive and thrive. With a small budget, and  love for living chic on the cheap The Recessionista has grown from a blogspot to a dot com, and now to a complete new design with a new logo.  Don't be confused by sites that scream out "Fake it til you make it." The Recessionista is not about faking it in any shape, manner or form. There's nothing chic about a fake.  The site is about being chic on the cheap.  You'll recognize the new site by its distinctive new logo that pays homage to Chanel’s simple “little black dress.”  We think the little black dress is the essential garment for recessionistas. A great little black dress can take you anywhere.  Take a look at newly designed The Recessionista today with streamlined navigation and new sections (Travel, Wine/Food and Beauty.) The new site offers more pages and enhanced images.  Click here to subscribe.